It may seem like dating and relationship advice is hard to come by, but maybe that is because you are not seeking out advice from the right people. Your friends and family are great, but maybe they aren’t the best ones to turn to when you need some honest advice. How about turning to YouTube for some extra help?
Check out the top relationship expert YouTube channels to find the best dating and relationship advice out there on the internet. Whether you are single and looking for someone new or are searching for ways to keep your current relationship alive, these accounts have been there, done that – and they only have one goal: to help you form stronger relationships no matter who you are with.
1. Tripp
Tripp believes forming strong relationships should be about connecting with people instead of about casual dating and one night stands. He is a dating and relationships coach in Los Angeles, hosts a podcast and publishes videos to help men who are shy and who lack confidence to connect with women and form strong bonds that will last. Topics in his “Dating Advice for Men” series include how to keep a girl interested in you, when to say ‘I love you’ and how to subtly flirt with a girl.
2. The Wing Girls
The Wing Girls are a comedy duo that have figured out how to brilliantly combine comedy sketches with dating advice. Rather than give straight up, direct to camera advice, they produce sketches that exaggerate some of the best and worst things you can do while in a relationship with your significant other. Relationship advice is not always easy to give, but add in a little humor and it becomes much easier to process.
3. Adam LoDolce
Adam LoDolce is a professional dating coach who gives relationship advice to both men and women, in order to help both genders effectively connect with one another to improve their relationships. His advice is quick and straightforward, meaning you will not have to sit through extremely long videos to wait for him to get to the main point of the message he is trying to get across to his audience.
4. Simple Pickup
Kong, Jessie and friends make up Simple Pickup, one of YouTube’s top dating and relationship hubs. These guys know how to take awkward topics and turn them into hilarious pieces of advice. They offer tips on dating, pickup and more for guys who are looking for relationships. Also keep an eye out for their popular and entertaining “social experiments.”
5. Hayley Quinn
Hayley Quinn is not only a professional dating coach, but a professional matchmaker as well. This means she knows what makes two people compatible with one another, and she uses this knowledge to both her advantage and yours. Communication is key, she believes, and so is making honest connections with other people, even if it doesn’t appear on the surface that the two of you have anything in common. Her advice is simple, trustworthy and actually works.
6. Laurel House
Laurel House is the host of the Screwing the Rules of Dating YouTube channel and author of the book of the same name. She gives honest and relatable dating advice you might not have heard before. Her tips cover a wide range of topics, everything from getting over an ex to why you should never look for the perfect soul mate to first questions you should always ask on a date with someone new.
7. Emily Hartridge
Emily Hartridge publishes videos on a wide range of topics, but her most frequent and popular videos revolve around dating and relationships. She has hosted her own documentary, collaborated with other YouTubers and is most famous for her “10 Reasons Why …” dating advice series. This series involves Hartridge giving dating advice with a relatable, humorous spin to it. She has been featured frequently on The Daily Mail and The Huffington Post.
8. Succeed At Dating
Alex Coulson knows how easy it is to make mistakes when trying to form strong and long lasting relationships in life. He makes an effort in his videos to point out and correct many of the common mistakes people make in relationships and things they can do to improve their dating lives. He also focuses on getting women’s perspectives on what is attractive, how to approach the opposite sex and how to be datable. His approach to relationships is casual and helpful, which is a great format and tone for those who are nervous about dating and need some reassurance that it is not as impossible as it might seem.
9. Adam Lyons
Unlike most other relationship experts on YouTube, Adam Lyons takes a bit more serious and scientific approach to how relationships work. For example, his channel’s featured video, “Science can get you your next Girlfriend,” uses a little bit of psychology and sociology to explain how our sensitivity to patterns can help shy single people gather up the courage to approach people they are interested in, making it more likely they will become romantically involved.
10. Single in Stilettos
Single in Stilettos features interviews with top relationship experts, matchmakers and dating coaches to bring you the best relationship advice. New episodes premiere every few weeks on the channel and feature topics such as how to find real love for women over 40, signs he is not interested in you, how to approach a man without seeming desperate and many, many more. Because advice comes from many different experts each new video, you can be sure you are getting different viewpoints on topics and can see circumstances from a variety of perspectives.
These relationship experts understand that knowing the right things to do in a relationship can be confusing and at times overwhelming, too. They use their own personal experiences and share advice from other experts as well to help you form and maintain better relationships. Some of their advice can even be applied to non romantic relationships as well. That is the beauty of receiving free advice from strangers: you have the luxury of using it in any way you choose.