When you are feeling discouraged or unmotivated, sometimes all it takes is watching the day to day life of someone who has found success to help you feel inspired again. Here are the top motivational YouTubers to watch online when you are feeling down.
1. WheezyWaiter
WheezyWaiter started out as a YouTube comedian in 2007, but has recently switched from sketch style videos to vlogs. Now he posts videos daily and keeps track of a list of goals on a whiteboard in his office, so his viewers can watch as he makes progress toward improving his life and so they can be motivated to set and achieve their own self improvement goals. In the past year he has run a marathon, hosted a web series, gotten married and continues to motivate others to live life to the fullest.
2. Shane Dawson
Shane Dawson is a YouTube personality that aims to help his audience learn to live their lives to the funnest. He also lets himself ger serious every once in awhile, to remind his followers that they are not alone in the world wide web. His vlogs about his depression and body dysmorphia disorder have inspired millions of subscribers to share their stories and motivated them to get help and/or talk about mental health in a less stigmatized environment.
3. Vlogbrothers
Brothers Hank and John Green joined YouTube in 2007 originally as a one-year challenge between the two of them, and have since become several of the most motivational activists, supporters and educators on the social media platform. They have created their own online community and address issues from politics to the refugee crisis to honey badgers. Their online presence motivates many of their followers (who call themselves ‘nerdfighters’) to pursue their passions and change the world.
4. JennaMarbles
Jenna “Marbles” Mourey has gone through a complete transformation since joining the YouTube community in 2007, moving from unfulfilling jobs and messy roommate situations in Boston to living a much happier, accomplished life near Los Angeles. Her humor, honesty and love for her audience (and her dogs) will motivate anyone watching to re-evaluate their life and do what they have to do to make it turn out the way they want. It doesn’t matter where you start: it’s how you get to where you would much rather be.
5. Hannah Hart
Hannah Hart cooks, bakes, drinks, laughs and does what she can to make the world a better place one day at a time. She started the Have a Hart Day movement, which encourages members of her audience to give back to their local communities through volunteer projects. She frequently posts videos on her channel that show her going out to places in her own community to serve, which can motivate others to get involved with those organizations near where they live or find places to volunteer where they can use their skills to make a difference in the world.
6. AmazingPhil
Phil is a YouTuber whose mission can be best described as motivating you to never be afraid to be yourself. His videos are sometimes silly, sometimes more serious, but they are all treasures you will be glad you took the time to watch. Like many YouTubers, he never planned on building a life around YouTube and didn’t know its influential power until he had gained a sizable audience. Now he uses that power for good, to spread amazing feelings around the world.
7. danisnotonfire
Dan’s channel trailer will tell you exactly what his online presence is all about. “Hello, internet! My name is Dan, and I let you laugh at my life so you can feel better about yours!” And this is exactly what you will do while watching his videos. He vlogs, collaborates with other YouTube personalities and makes sure what you are seeing is real … real enough that you won’t feel quite so awful about the life you’re living. He talks about his successes, his failures and everything in-between, just to show you that anyone can do what they set their mind to, as long as they are able to laugh at themselves while doing it.
8. Grace Helbig
Grace Helbig is a comedian, podcast host, author and expert in all things ridiculous. You will not be able to watch one of her videos without laughing out loud at least twice, which is why she is part of this top ten list. She is always attentive to her audience’s wants and needs, is never afraid to try new things (and show you every moment of it while doing so). She has been on tours around the world solo and with friends. Her life is one you won’t be able to resist watching.
9. Tyler Oakley
Tyler Oakley is a YouTuber, podcaster, activist and more, who started a YouTube channel to keep in touch with high school friends and now publishes videos seen by over eight million subscribers. In his Draw My Life video, Oakley talks about how job rejection after job rejection near the end of college was what motivated him to eventually turn to YouTube as a career, reminding his viewers that just because one path does not work out does not mean nothing ever will.
10. Zoella
One of the top British vloggers on the scene, Zoella’s career in front of the camera began when she was cast as an extra in the first Harry Potter film (and it would get better from there!). She has spoken openly about her struggles with anxiety and has managed to encourage a lot of her viewers to try and do the things they want to do even when it isn’t easy. She encourages her audience to “say yes to more things” and her videos, and how far she has come since 2010, are a living example of how successful that philosophy really is.
No matter where you are in life, there are so many places you have yet to go. These YouTubers are an example of what happens when you are feeling lost and alone. There is something out there for you, and you are going to find it.